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Ever wonder what the top bushfires myths commonly believed throughout society are? Created by the Climate Council just before the 2018 bushfire season, this relevant guide clarifies how a changing climate influences wildfires and the impacts they could have on you. Download your guide here.

Learn why co-existing with fire will be crucial in the future as fire regimes change from leading fire ecologist Ross Bradstock. Click here to watch his presentation.
Flora monitoring protocols for planning burning: a user's guide In this guide the Victoria Government outlines its planned flora monitoring protocols for fire and adaptive management. Link to the PDF file.
Just off the coast of Darwin findings have shown the importance of fire management highlighting the use of fires to leave more habitat, food and hiding places for native wildlife from feral cats (Threatened Species Recovery Hub). Link to the PDF file.

Fire and Fauna Protection

Land for Wildlife in South East Queensland has produced an informative note on the way planned fires can impact fauna. This note outlines how a range of species from the region respond to fires and provides advice for landholders managing fire on their properties. Link to the PDF file.
Does pyrodiversity really promote biodiversity? Local knowledge is important when managing fire for plant and animal conservation. An article from the Ecological Society of Australia notes:
  • Some studies show that more plant and animal species live in landscapes with a high diversity of fire histories, while others show no such relationship.
  • The variation in fire regimes that will promote plant and animal conservation depends on the type of ecosystem.
  • Fire management will be most effective when it is guided by local knowledge of plants, animals and and the habitats they depend on.
  Read the full article on the ESA website.


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Acknowledgement: This site has been developed with support from The Norman Wettenhall Foundation

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