NCC’s Bushfire Program hosted a 1hr webinar on June 2nd with three leading experts who delved into the impacts of the recent 2019-2020 bush fires on a range of ecosystems across NSW including our northern rainforests.
Watch the webinar below
The Bushfire Program usually hosts a biennial bushfire conference in May, but due to COVID-19 these plans had to be postponed. So as not to lose this important opportunity to discuss and learn from the recent devastating bush fires, we organised a webinar to stimulate discussion and knowledge sharing, Flames in the Rainforests: bushfire impacts and restoration in NSW.
The webinar included presentations by:
- Dr Ross Peacock, from Macquarie University, presenting “The impacts of the 2019/20 fire season on rainforest communities in northern NSW“
- Conservationist Dailan Pugh OAM presenting “Impacts of the wildfires on koalas and rainforest in north-eastern NSW“
- Dr Tein McDonald AM President of the Australian Association of Bush Regenerators (AABR) presenting “Bush regenerators helping post-fire recovery“
- Q+A and panel discussion
The webinar attracted a live audience of over 430 members from the 5 states and territories along the east coast of Australia. Dr Ross Peacock, Dailan Pugh OAM and Dr Tein McDonald AM all delivered thought-provoking, engaging talks with 99% of respondents saying they would like the Bushfire Program to host similar webinars in the future.
Related resources
Our presenters respond to questions by the audience:
Ask the expert: Dr Ross Peacock
Ask the expert: Dr Tein McDonald
AABR resources
First Aid for Burned Bushland Videos
Post-Fire Bush Regeneration Map and Resources
Rainforest expert Dr Robert Kooyman on the impacts of the recent fires
Dr Ross Peacock (3:12), Dailan Pugh OAM (19:42), Dr Tein McDonald AM (34:27) and Q+A (48:25).