Fire interval guidelines – what’s missing?

In this video from NCC’s 2013 Bushfire Conference Dr Belinda Kenny (NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service) reflects on how the fire interval guidelines are being used and some of the details that are being overlooked.

Belinda advises that the fire interval guidelines were not designed to be seen as prescriptions, but instead, as a starting point for an adaptive management approach. She also suggests approaches for working with fire intervals according to local management priorities.

Further Reading

Guidelines for ecologically sustainable fire management. Unpublished report prepared under the NSW Biodiversity Strategy, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. Kenny, B., Sutherland, E., Tasker, E. and Bradstock, R. (2004).

Where has all the fire gone? Quantifying the spatial and temporal extent of fire exclusion in Byron Shire, NSW, Andrew Baker (Wildsite Ecological Services)  Transcript  Slides

 NCC 2015 Bushfire Conference Proceedings (PDF Transcripts and slides available)



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