In light of public health advice on the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) we are unfortunately postponing the Nature Conservation Council of NSW’s Bushfire Conference scheduled for the 19-20th May 2020 at the NSW Teachers Federation Conference Centre in Sydney until next May 2021 (date to be confirmed). We have made this decision for the safety of our delegates and to assist in safeguarding the wider community. The rationale for deferral to May 2021 is primarily due to the uncertainty about the ongoing impact of COVID-19 and the potential for bushfires to cause disruption to presenters and delegates during the 2020-21 fire season.

We recognise that many people were anticipating that this “Cool, warm, hot: the burning questions” conference would provide an important opportunity to discuss and learn at first hand ways to better understand and manage the effects of fire in our cherished environment, particularly after the recent devastating fire season. The conference will still act as a valuable platform, with additional time for recovery, reflection and learnings from the fires to be shared in May 2021.

If you have already purchased a ticket we will be offering you a refund and will contact you regarding refunding arrangements.

To anyone who has submitted an abstract, we will be contacting you in the next couple of weeks to discuss arrangements and opportunities for this year and next.

We will keep you all informed of updates for the NCC Bushfire Conference 2021.

We understand that this is a challenging time for all, and we wish you, your family and the community you work and live with a safe time during the intervening period.

For any further queries or concerns please contact Evelyn or Lucy at, (02) 9516 0359

Look forward to seeing you all in 2021,

The NCC Bushfire Program Team

The NSW Nature Conservation Council’s Bushfire Program is hosting it’s 12th Biennial Bushfire Conference, ‘Cool, Warm Hot: the burning questions’. 

The conference will bring together academics, agencies, practitioners, Traditional Owners and communities to explore how different fire intensities can influence ecosystems and communities in a changing climate.

Date: 19th and 20th of May, 2020 with a field day on the 21st

Location: Teachers Federation Conference Center, 37 Reservoir Street, Surry Hills, Sydney

We are now calling for abstracts to be submitted to be presented at the conference. If you or someone you know might be interested in presenting head to our website and fill out an abstract submission form:

The Bushfire conference has been running since 1997 and provides a unique opportunity for NSW to discuss the challenges facing fire and land management through the lens of conservation.

Previous conferences have focused on the role of fire in managing feral species and weeds, how fire can be used to build healthy landscapes and building a resilient environment through resilient people.

This year’s conference will be looking at different fire intensities and how they link into climate change, fire ecology, ferals, weeds and restoration and community resilience.

If you would like to join the conference mailing list contact us at: or call (02) 9516 0359

Click here to read about the last bushfire conference.


Please send us an email and we'll reply within three working days. Regards, NCC Fire and Restoration team


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Acknowledgement: This site has been developed with support from The Norman Wettenhall Foundation

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