Here is a link to a great reference document (Reducing the effect of planned burning on hollow bearing trees) created by Victoria’s environmental department that provides clear methods and discussion around how to protect hollow bearing trees during planned burns.
New Interactive Historical Fire Data Released
Bushfire Volunteer, , data, Planning
The Digital Atlas of Australia, a new initiative by the Australian Government (2023) allows users to easily look at...
New Planning Process for Managing Bush Fire Risk in NSW
Bushfire Volunteer, , Agency, Bush Fire Management Committee, Planning, Risk
The NSW Rural Fire Service is currently rolling out a new planning process for managing bush fire risk in...
Northern Rivers Koala Habitat Restoration webinar
Bushfire Volunteer, , Fire, koalas, threatened species, vulnerable species
Friends of the Koala hosted a 2-hour webinar focusing on koala habitat restoration in the Northern Rivers region of...
African Lovegrass – project booklet
Michelle Rose NCC, , how to
This guide details the use of integrated fire and herbicide treatments of African Lovegrass in Cumberland Plain restoration.
Postponed – NCC Bushfire Conference 2020
Bushfire Volunteer,
In light of public health advice on the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) we are unfortunately postponing the Nature Conservation Council...
360° Video of a Prescribed Burn
Bushfire Volunteer, , Fire
Looking into the eye of the fire: Some astonishing footage has been captured within two prescribed burns by the...
BMAD Review
Michelle Rose NCC, , BMAD, Lantana, weeds
BMAD Review – Final Report Now Available Bell miner associated dieback (BMAD) is listed as a key threatening process...
Protecting Hollows With Citizen Science
Bushfire Volunteer, , Community resilience, Fauna, Fire, Hazard Reduction, Hollows, plants, Research, resources, threatened species, vulnerable species, wildfire
Around the country, communities are using the power of citizen science to help protect a highly ecologically valuable and...