2017 NCC Bushfire Conference

Fire, Fauna & Ferals: from backyards to bush

The Nature Conservation Council hosted their 11th Biennial Bushfire Conference in Sydney on May 30th & 31st.  270 people from 6 different States and Territories attended this year’s conference which focused on how fire management can actively support and enhance ecological values across the landscape.

Proceedings of the conference are now available on NCCs website, including transcripts of talks and the accompanying slide presentations.



The conference program explored four key themes:

  1. Buildings and backyards for people, plants and animals – risk, resilience and adaptation.
    How can community acceptance of fire as an integral part of our natural systems be supported and broadened?
  2. Fire, restoration and biodiversity.
    How is fire being used for ecological restoration and integrated with other land management practices?
  3. Fire and fauna.
    What has been learnt about the interactions of fire, fauna and habitat and how is this knowledge influencing on-ground management practices?
  4. Fire, ferals and weeds.
    How can the interactions of fire, weeds and feral animal species be managed most effectively?

The conference brought together individuals from a diverse range of organisations, including many public land manager, fire services, universities, Aboriginal groups, private landholders and community groups. Over two days, more than 40 speakers addressed the conference, with a mix of academics and practitioners showcasing current research and on-ground projects. Initial presentations considered current approaches to managing fire and biodiversity risks at the urban-bushland interface and opportunities to adapt and evolve these strategies. Building on themes from previous conferences speakers outlined projects aiming to restore ecological resilience, apply Aboriginal burning techniques and monitor the post-fire responses of valued species. Presentations investigated the challenges and opportunities in applying more integrated approaches to managing fire, weeds and feral animals.

A panel discussion held on the second day considered ways to support greater collaboration between land managers and fire authorities. Several suggestions were put forward, including advancing the formation of Consortiums or similar networks to encourage greater consistency and improved coordination in managing fire, weeds, ferals and natives. NCC is currently seeking Expressions of Interest from land managers and other stakeholders interested in establishing a Fire, Ferals and Weeds Consortium – read more here.








Please send us an email and we'll reply within three working days. Regards, NCC Fire and Restoration team


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Acknowledgement: This site has been developed with support from The Norman Wettenhall Foundation

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