Collaborative SOS project in southern NSW using cool autumn burning to support the Tarengo Leek Orchid.
Box-Gum Grassy Woodlands – managing ground-layers
Michelle Rose NCC, , Cultural burning, EECs, Grassy Woodlands, Restoration
Jewels in the Landscape This guide published by CSIRO in 2015 aims to help land managers recognise, understand and...
Seeds for the Future Forum
Bushfire Volunteer,
Lessons from the AABR forum NCC Bushfire program staff attended the Seeds for the Future Forum on the 8th...
Planned fire, wildfire and restoration
Michelle Rose NCC, , bushcare, privet, Research, weeds, wildfire
In Part 2 of our interview with Tein McDonald we discuss some insights from her thesis work in the 1990s and...
“Compelling evidence” logging worsened bushfires
Bushfire Volunteer, , Logging, prevention
Professor David Lindemayer and associates have released an article in the Nature Ecology and Evolution journal outlining their findings...
Fire interval guidelines – what’s missing?
Michelle Rose NCC, , how to, Intervals
Fire interval guidelines – what’s missing? In this video from NCC’s 2013 Bushfire Conference Dr Belinda Kenny (NSW National Parks and...
Watch – Signs of Fire: measuring fire severity
Bushfire Volunteer, , Fire severity
We’ve all seen the current effects of climate change. As bushfires become larger, more sever and more frequent the...
Trees Near Me app
Bushfire Volunteer, , app, Vegetation
The NSW Department of Planning and Environment have released an app for android users that allows you to explore...
Ross Bradstock: are we ready for the big burn?
Bushfire Volunteer, , wildfire
Learn why co-existing with fire will be crucial in the future as fire regimes change from leading fire ecologist...