What is the Fire and Restoration Network?

The Fire and Restoration Network is a place where we can create conversations, and share our stories, information, challenges and new ideas about how fire can be used to rehabilitate degraded landscapes and restore ecological integrity.

Our Vision

We are creating a ‘community of practice’ for people with a shared passion and interest in using fire for ecological restoration. Our aim is to maintain an open and inclusive network where practitioners can inform, support and advise each other and help build on-ground capacity.

Why was the network started?

The need to support ongoing discussions about how to use fire for ecological restoration became clear during Nature Conservation Council’s 2015 Bushfire Conference – Fire and Restoration: working with fire for healthy lands where participants were keen to keep discussing the topics raised.

We recognise that it has been difficult for practitioners from diverse agencies and organisations to communicate amongst themselves and people have been uncertain who to contact when seeking advice, experience and/or expertise in this field.

Who’s involved?

The overall management of the site is handled by NCC Bushfire Program staff, with the support of a range of topic moderators, mentors and volunteers external to NCC. But the network itself is driven by our members and the content they contribute.

Interest in the network has come from local Council staff, bushcare and landcare groups, natural resource management agencies, fire agencies, academics, community members and volunteers. Each member in their own way is invested in the management of public and/or privately owned land, and has experience or an interest in the use of fire for restoration. Through the interactions of these different groups and individuals we hope to encourage fresh thinking and innovative practice.

Help us grow

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Join the network and contribute to discussions, articles and events.

Learn how to contribute

Learn how to post and read our guidelines for participating in forums.

Contact us

Email or call us to discuss your ideas or ask questions.


Please send us an email and we'll reply within three working days. Regards, NCC Fire and Restoration team


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© 2025

Acknowledgement: This site has been developed with support from The Norman Wettenhall Foundation

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