Lessons from the AABR forum

NCC Bushfire program staff attended the Seeds for the Future Forum on the 8th of October 2019, at the Teachers Federation Hall in Sydney, to connect with members in this industry and learn about the issues facing restoration in NSW and across the country. The forum was hosted by AABR (Australia Association of Bush Regenerators) and presented by Tein McDonald, Paul Gibson-Roy, Martin Driver and Peter Cuneo. There were many presentations by practitioners in the field relaying success stories and learnings across the sector.

Paul Gibson-Roy presented the results of the National Seed Survey which also highlighted the challenges facing the sector. At the end of the day a communique was drafted to be sent to State and Federal governments highlighting the need for funding stability and changes to seed collection laws to ensure the growth of the industry. (Read the full communique here:

Greg Steenbeeke from the Department of Primary Industry and Environment (DPIE) outlined the plan to revegetate and protect the remnant Cumberland Plain and the role of fire in that plan. (The Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan can be accessed here:

Katie Littlejohn from National Parks and Wildlife Service outlined the restoration works happening at the Schyeville former army base and the success of a herbicide + fire + herbicide treatment.

There was also a good group discussion on the challenges of relying on a large volunteer workforce when trying to legitimize the bush regeneration industry.

The day was filmed and videos of each presentation will be uploaded here. http://www.aabr.org.au/regentv/


Please send us an email and we'll reply within three working days. Regards, NCC Fire and Restoration team


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