The Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Council (AFAC) has released a range of training videos to help you better understand the changes to the Australian Fire Danger Rating (AFDR) system.

Australia has recently transitioned to a national system for fire danger warnings, which isnow called the Australian Fire Danger Ratings. This was done to improve the scientific accuracy behind fire danger predictions, improve fire danger communication, provide better decision-making tools for government and industry and to reduce the cost associated with bushfire impacts.

Roadside signs have now transitioned across the country and firefighters have been updating their knowledge about how to respond to each warning stage.

The new system has meant a change for how the community, industry and fire fighters both communicate and take action under different weather conditions. These new training courses are designed to help you better understand what actions you need to take in each situation.

There are three courses available, two for government, industry, and community members and an additional one for land managers and fire fighters who need to apply this new knowledge on the ground.

Access the courses and other AFDR information here:


Please send us an email and we'll reply within three working days. Regards, NCC Fire and Restoration team


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Acknowledgement: This site has been developed with support from The Norman Wettenhall Foundation

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