
I’m a Natural & Cultural Resource Management (N&CRM) Practitioner I’m currently based in Bellingen on the NSW North Coast. We’ve been here for 2 years after moving from Alice Springs where we were based for 8 years – we’re still adjusting.

My current role is Firesticks Project Coordinator with the NSW Nature Conservation Council (NCC). The Firesticks Project is funded under the Federal Governments Biodiversity Fund for 5 years – its currently funded until June 2017. The Project is coordinating a unique collaboration that involves community members and personnel from four Indigenous Protected Areas, three Aboriginal Land Councils, the Northern Rivers Fire and Biodiversity Consortium, University of Technology (Sydney) and government agencies.

The project is implementing on-ground works and conducting scientific monitoring to establish a greater understanding of the ecological impact of applying low-intensity prescribed burns across different ecosystems. The program aims to employ a combination of integrated fire, weed and pest management to enhance ecosystem health by improving habitat condition and connectivity within culturally significant but often degraded landscapes; providing educational pathways that enable and empower Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities to work collaboratively.

For more information on the NCC Firesticks Project go to http://www.firesticks.org.au

I have a significant interest in biodiversity conservation within highly modified landscapes and from my very limited experience in NSW I believe this requires careful planning and consideration of innovative and adaptive management approaches where a combination of fire, weed and pest animal actions may be required. I am also very interested in cultural connections to country and believe there is huge scope to work alongside and learn from Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities within NSW. As N&CRM practitioners I think we need to tune in more to communities and create opportunities and resources to support and embed stewardship behaviours.

I’m currently studying a Masters in Protected Area Management and Governance with the University of Tasmania expecting to complete next year.


Please send us an email and we'll reply within three working days. Regards, NCC Fire and Restoration team


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Acknowledgement: This site has been developed with support from The Norman Wettenhall Foundation

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