Renowned ABC journalist Kerry O’Brien hosts the first of two panel discussions run by the Big Scrub Landcare group on the impacts of fire on Australia’s rainforests.
Panel one looks at the impacts of the 2019/20 fire season on the Nightcap National Park and lessons learned. Hear from Dr Robert Kooyman (Rainforest Botanist-Ecologist, Macquarie University), Matthew Wiseman (NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service), Dave Kelly (NSW NPWS/Saving Our Species Program) and Andy Baker (Researcher, Southern Cross University).
Panel two, facilitated by ABC journalist Mick O’Regan, explores which strategies and on-ground actions work best and how bush fires should be managed in the future. Hear from Oliver Costello (Firesticks Alliance Indigenous Corporation), David Milledge (Wildlife Ecologist, working for NCC’s Large Forest Owls Project), Dr Robert Kooyman (Rainforest Botanist-Ecologist, Macquarie University) and Matthew Wiseman (NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service).
The Big Scrub Rainforest Day also features a webinar with Nan Nicholson who shares her first-hand experience of the 2019/20 fire season and more on the Nightcap National Park.
Watch the first panel discussion below or click here for all the videos: