The NSW Rural Fire Service is currently rolling out a new planning process for managing bush fire risk in...
The Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Council (AFAC) has released a range of training videos to help you better...
Are you a landholder interested in upscaling your land management skillset? As part of their commitment to supporting the...
Measuring Soil Health & the Impacts of Fire
Bushfire Volunteer, , bushfire conference, carbon sequestration, climate, climate change, Conferences, ecosystem services, Events, Fire, Fire severity, healthy soils, Monitoring, Research, soil, soil healthWould you like to measure multiple aspects indicating the health of your property’s soil, without spending a fortune on...
The Climate Council is an independent organisation which uses the latest science on climate to help tackle one of...
Koalas and DPE guidelines for planned burning
admin, , Fauna, Fire, Guidelines, koalas, Planned Burns, Prescribed burns, resources, threatened speciesWe’ve all heard about koala populations declining in numbers in recent years due to multiple threats such as land...
If you’re curious about how Indigenous cultural burning from around 10,000 years ago has implications for current land management,...
An Introduction to Citizen Science
Bushfire Volunteer, , bushcare, climate change, Fire, Monitoring, plants, post-fire, Research, resources, threatened species, vulnerable speciesCitizen science databases can be an excellent tool for getting to know the flora and fauna present within your...
The NSW Department of Planning and Environment have released an app for android users that allows you to explore...
How to add data to NSW BioNet Atlas
Bushfire Volunteer, , BioNet, data, resources, threatened species, vulnerable speciesThe Department of Industry and Environment has produced a series of short videos to demonstrate how to add data...
WATCH – Prescribed Burning Atlas launch
Bushfire Volunteer, , Fire, Hazard Reduction, Prescribed burnsA new website designed to help fire and land managers “compare the risk reduction benefits and costs from different...