This guide details the use of integrated fire and herbicide treatments of African Lovegrass in Cumberland Plain restoration.
Searching for threatened species in your area
Bushfire Volunteer, , resources, threatened species
This series of training videos is designed to help environmental volunteers and staff effectively use online environmental platforms to...
Box-Gum Grassy Woodlands – managing ground-layers
Michelle Rose NCC, , Cultural burning, EECs, Grassy Woodlands, Restoration
Jewels in the Landscape This guide published by CSIRO in 2015 aims to help land managers recognise, understand and...
Koalas and DPE guidelines for planned burning
admin, , Fauna, Fire, Guidelines, koalas, Planned Burns, Prescribed burns, resources, threatened species
We’ve all heard about koala populations declining in numbers in recent years due to multiple threats such as land...
Protecting Our Hollows Fact Sheet
Bushfire Volunteer, , Hollows, threatened species, vulnerable species
A four-page fact sheet on the importance and value of hollows as habitat for wildlife has been created by...
Watch – Ecological burns: a Council perspective
Bushfire Volunteer, , Cultural burning, Ecological burning, Local council
Martin Roberts from Macedon Ranges Shire Council explores ecological burns from a Local Government perspective in a presentation for...
WATCH – Prescribed Burning Atlas launch
Bushfire Volunteer, , Fire, Hazard Reduction, Prescribed burns
A new website designed to help fire and land managers “compare the risk reduction benefits and costs from different...
WATCH – Fire Fuels Forum: a deep dive into hazard reduction
Bushfire Volunteer, , Hazard Reduction, Prescribed burns, prevention
In May, the BHCRC hosted its National Fire Fuels Science Forum. Usually hosted live, the forum was moved online...
Building a fire-safe garden
Bushfire Volunteer, , Birds, Garden
Professor Philip Gibbons from the Australian National University was preparing to speak at NCC’s Bushfire Conference in May, however,...